Goldstar Insrance Co. Ltd

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Clinical Trials Insurance

Clinical trials represent a significant stepping stone in the path of medical discovery and innovation.

However, for the businesses and organizations conducting these trials, the process is filled with significant risks.

In Uganda, where the pursuit of ground-breaking medical research is gaining momentum, the need for robust insurance policies to safeguard against clinical trial-related liabilities has never been more apparent. It’s clear that clinical trials and insurance coverage go hand in hand.

That’s where Clinical Trials Insurance plays its part., as an important clinical research liability insurance policy.

What is Clinical Trials Insurance?

As a business owner or corporate decision-maker, understanding Clinical Trials Insurance is crucial. 

Before we explore the details of clinical trials insurance, it’s vital to grasp the gravity of the risks associated with these trials.

Clinical research is not merely about finding new cures—each trial can become a legal minefield for businesses involved in the research.

From unforeseen side effects leading to clinical trial liability claims to challenges in data integrity that can tarnish a brand’s reputation, the risks are formidable.

This particular insurance provides essential financial protection for risks associated with conducting research on experimental treatments that aim to advance medical knowledge and improve patient care.

The essence of clinical trials insurance lies in its ability to mitigate these risks, offering financial protection and risk management solutions that are tailored to the unique nature of clinical trials.

For medical research businesses conducting clinical trials in Uganda, clinical trial insurance coverage is as essential as the intellectual capital driving these experiments.

Some of these potential risks include bodily harm or injury sustained as a result of the trial, and legal liability.

It’s also important to note that Clinical Trials Insurance is not an optional extra but rather a legal requirement, mandated by regulatory bodies such as the National Drug Authority. 

Therefore, it’s not just about protecting your business and mitigating risk, it’s also about maintaining legal compliance within your sector.

What Does Clinical Trials Insurance Cover?

A clinical trial insurance policy goes beyond the general liabilities covered by standard business insurance policies. 

It is a specialized form of liability insurance that encompasses a wide spectrum of potential risks that can occur during the clinical research process.

It is essential to protect your company’s interests, especially when involved in the advancing field of clinical trials.

GoldStar’s Clinical Trials insurance policy is specially designed to cover financial losses and liabilities that can arise while conducting medical research and clinical trials involving human participants. The key coverages are:

Liability Coverage

This covers legal liabilities arising from Bodily Injury and Death of trial participants. This includes medical expenses, compensation, and legal costs. 

It also covers legal liabilities from any illness or disease contracted by participants as a result of the trial and liabilities related with the investigational product used in the trial, such as adverse reactions or defects.

Errors And Omissions (E&O) Coverage

Mistakes can happen, and our policy safeguards against professional negligence or errors and omissions by the researchers or clinical staff conducting the trial. 

This also extends to include claims arising from deviations from the approved trial protocol that result in harm to the participants.

Legal Defence Costs

Legal suits can be costly. With GoldStar’s Clinical Trials Insurance, your financial burden is alleviated as we cover the Legal Defence Costs associated with defending against claims or lawsuits, including attorney fees, court costs and settlements that may arise in relation to your clinical trial.

No-Fault Compensation

This compensates participants who suffer injury or harm during the trial, regardless of fault or negligence.

GoldStar's Clinical Trials Insurance Optional Add-Ons

To ensure that you have full control over your Clinical Trials coverage, we offer additional extensions with additional protective elements as mentioned below. 

Clinical Trial Supply Coverages

This offers cover for loss or damage to trial supplies, such as investigational drugs or medical devices, while in transit or storage.

Emergency Medical Expenses

It covers immediate medical expenses incurred in treating injured trial participants.

Business Interruption

This safeguards you from financial losses due to the interruption or suspension of the clinical trial caused by an insured event.

Reputation Management

This extension covers the reasonable and necessary costs associated with managing the company’s reputation following adverse events or claims related to the trial.

With GoldStar Insurance, you have the power to augment your Clinical Trials insurance, tailoring your policy to suit the unique risks and challenges of your medical research institution.

Choose GoldStar's Clinical Trials Insurance

Uganda’s potential in the realm of clinical research is immense, and the right insurance policy can play a fundamental role in unlocking it. 

By effectively managing the risks associated with clinical trials through GoldStar’s comprehensive insurance coverage, institutions can approach research endeavours with confidence, knowing they are adequately protected against the uncertainties that come with innovation.

Take a GoldStar Clinical Trials Insurance policy today and protect your research institution as you contribute to medical advancements.

In order to make an informed decision you can take a look at the Key Considerations and Exclusions to take note of when choosing GoldStar’s Business All Risk Insurance.

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You will need contents insurance, sometimes known as all risk cover, for items for which you require cover out with the home. Please provide details of these items at the time of quotation to ensure that the policy provided meets with your requirements.

Accidental Damage cover provides protection against costs incurred through damage that you, your family members or visitors may cause to the structure of your Building or to your Contents. Examples of incidents which would be covered under this extension include putting your foot through the loft floor damaging the ceiling below, leaving a tap running leading to water damage or carpet spillages. Such incidents would not be included under a policy taken out to cover Standard Perils only.

Additional charges will apply and in certain circumstances this cover might not be available.

Items kept in the garage or garden sheds will be covered under the Contents section of your policy provided you have included their value in the total sum insured declared. Limits may apply to the amount that can be claimed for theft of items taken from outbuildings and additional charges may be made for certain items such as ride on mowers. Cover for motor vehicles and motorcycles is excluded. Please declare your requirements for cover kept in outbuildings at the time of quotation to ensure that the policy provided meets with your requirements.

In most cases you will need to arrange cover for your own contents and personal possessions. Please refer to your tenancy agreement to check what, if any cover is provided by your landlord.

An excess is the amount a policyholder is required to pay towards the cost of any claim. You may be asked to pay this amount to a company that has carried out repairs on behalf of your insurer, or alternatively the sum will be deducted from any settlement received.


Goldstar claim process

No matter what your worry is, we’re here to help explain the process, assess your claim fairly and minimize the disruption to you with a transparent claims process.

How to make a claim

We have a number of options to help you make a claim quickly and effectively. Contact our dedicated claims team for advice on an incident/claim.

Why choose us ?

Goldstar Insurance was IFM’s Best Insurance Company in Uganda (2015) and has over the years consistently maintained a Global A+ Credit Rating