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goldstar airport owners liability insurance

In the dynamic landscape of commercial aviation, mitigating risk is an essential aspect of running a successful enterprise.

For Ugandan business owners or corporate decision makers with interests in the aviation sector, understanding Airport Owners Liability Insurance (AOLI) can be the fundamental difference between financial catastrophe and resilience.

This exclusive type of insurance is tailored to protect airport owners and operators against a myriad of liability risks unique to the industry.

What is Airport Owners Liability Insurance?

Airport Owners Liability Insurance, often referred to as Airport Liability Insurance, is designed for entities responsible for the day-to-day operation of airports.

It extends coverage for third-party bodily injury, property damage, and legal expenses that may arise on the premises, during aircraft operations, or as a consequence of airport business activities.

For businesses in Uganda, this type of insurance is not an optional choice but a necessity for various service components within aviation, including ground handling, retail and service operations, and even airside or landside traffic control.

What Does Airport Owners Liability Insurance Cover?

Don’t let liability risks ground your operations. Get the coverage you need with the GoldStar Airport Owners Liability Insurance.

Our Airport Owners Liability Insurance is a specialized form of insurance designed to protect airport owners and operators from the various risks and liabilities associated with operating an airport. This type of insurance provides coverage for claims arising from bodily injury, property damage, and other liabilities that occur on airport premises. 

Here are the key components included in Airport Owners Liability Insurance:

General Liability Coverage

This protects against claims of bodily injury and property damage to third parties (e.g., passengers, visitors, contractors) that occur on airport premises. It covers incidents such as slips and falls, accidents involving airport vehicles, and other general hazards.

Hangarkeepers Liability Coverage

This protects the airport if it provides hangar space for aircraft. This coverage is for damage to aircraft stored or being worked on within the hangar facilities.

Products And Completed Operations Liability

This covers liability for bodily injury or property damage arising out of products sold or operations completed by the airport (e.g., food services, retail operations).

Premises Liability

This covers incidents that occur on the airport’s premises, including parking lots, terminals, runways, and other areas under the airport’s control.

Personal And Advertising Injury Liability

This provides coverage for claims related to personal injury offenses such as false arrest, wrongful eviction, libel, slander, and advertising-related offenses.

Contractual Liability

This covers the airport’s liability for certain contracts it enters, such as leases and maintenance agreements.

Fire Legal Liability

This protects against claims for fire damage to premises rented or leased by the airport owner.

Medical Payments Coverage

This provides payment for medical expenses incurred by third parties who are injured on airport premises, regardless of fault.

GoldStar's Airport Owners Liability Insurance Optional Add Ons

We provide extra extensions with our policy so you can customize it to meet your specific needs. Among the noteworthy extensions are the following:

Environmental Liability

This add-on addresses claims related to environmental contamination, such as fuel spills and hazardous material releases.

War And Terrorism Liability

This extends to provide coverage for acts of terrorism, war, hijacking, and other related risks not typically included in standard policies.

Cyber Liability

This extension covers losses and liabilities arising from cyber incidents, including data breaches and cyberattacks.

Non-Owned Aircraft Liability

This extends to protects the airport from liabilities arising from the use of aircraft not owned by the airport but used in its operations.

Choose GoldStar's Airport Owners Liability Insurance

For Ugandan businesses entering or expanding within the aviation industry, Airport Owners Liability Insurance stands as a foundational element of operational security as it ensures protection against a wide range of risks and liabilities which safeguards you from events that could result in significant financial losses.

By appreciating the scope of this form of insurance and taking a strategic approach to its implementation, enterprises can fortify their position in the market and maintain the trust of their partners and patrons.

Success in this sector often hinges on the ability to manage and mitigate inherent risks. GoldStar’s Airport Owners Liability Insurance could well be the safeguard that amplifies your competitive advantage and underlines your commitment to safe, responsible, and profitable aviation practices. For businesses in Uganda, the time to consider this invaluable protection is now.

Get peace of mind with GoldStar Insurance. Contact us today to discuss your needs and we will provide an insurance solution tailored to your business.

In order to make an informed decision you can have a look at the Key Considerations to take note of when choosing GoldStar’s Airport Owners Liability Insurance.

Airport Owners Liability Insurance

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You will need contents insurance, sometimes known as all risk cover, for items for which you require cover out with the home. Please provide details of these items at the time of quotation to ensure that the policy provided meets with your requirements.

Accidental Damage cover provides protection against costs incurred through damage that you, your family members or visitors may cause to the structure of your Building or to your Contents. Examples of incidents which would be covered under this extension include putting your foot through the loft floor damaging the ceiling below, leaving a tap running leading to water damage or carpet spillages. Such incidents would not be included under a policy taken out to cover Standard Perils only.

Additional charges will apply and in certain circumstances this cover might not be available.

Items kept in the garage or garden sheds will be covered under the Contents section of your policy provided you have included their value in the total sum insured declared. Limits may apply to the amount that can be claimed for theft of items taken from outbuildings and additional charges may be made for certain items such as ride on mowers. Cover for motor vehicles and motorcycles is excluded. Please declare your requirements for cover kept in outbuildings at the time of quotation to ensure that the policy provided meets with your requirements.

In most cases you will need to arrange cover for your own contents and personal possessions. Please refer to your tenancy agreement to check what, if any cover is provided by your landlord.

An excess is the amount a policyholder is required to pay towards the cost of any claim. You may be asked to pay this amount to a company that has carried out repairs on behalf of your insurer, or alternatively the sum will be deducted from any settlement received.


Goldstar Claim Process

No matter what your worry is, we’re here to help explain the process, assess your claim fairly and minimize the disruption to you with a transparent claims process.


How to make a claim

We have a number of options to help you make a claim quickly and effectively. Contact our dedicated claims team for advice on an incident/claim.

Why choose us ?

Goldstar Insurance is one of the leading non-life Insurance Companies in Uganda, with over 27 years of experience. We have over
the years consistently maintained a Global A+ Credit Rating showing you can count on us as a strong financial partner.