Goldstar Insrance Co. Ltd

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HIV/Aids Policy

Goldstar Insurance Co. Ltd recognises the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact on the workplace. Our Company supports national efforts to reduce the spread of infection and minimize the impact of the disease. The purpose of this policy is to ensure a consistent and equitable approach to the prevention of HIV/AIDS among employees and their families, and to the management of the consequences of HIV/AIDS, including the care and support of employees living with HIV/AIDS. The policy has been developed and will be implemented in consultation with employees at all levels. It is in compliance with existing laws regarding HIV/AIDS and with the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS.
Goldstar Insurance Co. Ltd does not discriminate or tolerate discrimination against employees or job applicants on any grounds, including HIV status. While we recognize that there are circumstances unique to HIV infection, this policy rests on the principle that HIV infection and AIDS should be treated like any other serious condition or illness that may affect employees.
This policy has been written with reference to the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance and applies across our operations. Due to the limited availability of certain resources and processes, consistently applying this policy across our operations may prove challenging, but we intend for this policy to evolve alongside the development of our market. This policy represents a key part of our continued efforts to drive the creation of efficient processes across our operations and to manage our environmental impacts.
Hiv Week

1.Rights of Employees to HIV/AIDs policy- HIV-positive employees will be protected against discrimination, victimisation or harassment. 

2.Employment Opportunities & Termination of Employment- No employee should suffer adverse consequences, whether dismissal or denial of appropriate alternative employment opportunities, merely on the basis of HIV infection.

3.Testing- Goldstar Insurance Co. Ltd rejects HIV testing as a prerequisite for recruitment, access to training or promotion.

4.Confidentiality- The  Company  recognises  the  sensitive  issues  that  surround  HIV/AIDS  and undertakes to handle matters in a discreet and private manner. Where an employee with HIV has revealed  his  or  her  status  to  management,  the  Company  will  keep  the  identity  of  such  person confidential. 

1.Appropriate awareness and education programmes will be conducted to inform employees about AIDS and HIV which will enable them to protect themselves and others against infection by HIV. Some of these will include the families of employees and the local community

2.The Company will treat employees who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS with empathy, care and reasonable assistance

3.It is the policy of the Company to respond to  the  changing  health  status  of  employees  by  making  reasonable  accommodation  in  the work place for those infected with HIV. Employees may continue to work as long as they are able to  perform  their  duties  safely  and  in  accordance  with  accepted  performance  standards

Employees living with HIV/AIDS will be treated no less favourably than staff with any other  serious  illness/condition  in  terms  of  statutory  and  company  benefits,  work place compensation, where appropriate, and other available services