Goldstar Insrance Co. Ltd

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Airport Owners Liability Insurance Key Considerations

Choose Airport Owners Liability Insurance carefully by keeping the following in mind:

Assess Specific Needs

It is important to understand the unique risks associated with the specific airport, including its size, traffic volume, and services provided.

Policy Limits and Deductibles

Choose the appropriate coverage limits and deductibles based on potential exposure and financial capacity to avoid under insurance.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure that the insurance coverage complies with all relevant regulatory requirements and industry guidelines.

Review Exclusions

Be aware of any exclusions in the policy and consider additional coverages to fill potential gaps for a comprehensive coverage.

Airport Owners Liability Insurance

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You will need contents insurance, sometimes known as all risk cover, for items for which you require cover out with the home. Please provide details of these items at the time of quotation to ensure that the policy provided meets with your requirements.

Accidental Damage cover provides protection against costs incurred through damage that you, your family members or visitors may cause to the structure of your Building or to your Contents. Examples of incidents which would be covered under this extension include putting your foot through the loft floor damaging the ceiling below, leaving a tap running leading to water damage or carpet spillages. Such incidents would not be included under a policy taken out to cover Standard Perils only.

Additional charges will apply and in certain circumstances this cover might not be available.

Items kept in the garage or garden sheds will be covered under the Contents section of your policy provided you have included their value in the total sum insured declared. Limits may apply to the amount that can be claimed for theft of items taken from outbuildings and additional charges may be made for certain items such as ride on mowers. Cover for motor vehicles and motorcycles is excluded. Please declare your requirements for cover kept in outbuildings at the time of quotation to ensure that the policy provided meets with your requirements.

In most cases you will need to arrange cover for your own contents and personal possessions. Please refer to your tenancy agreement to check what, if any cover is provided by your landlord.

An excess is the amount a policyholder is required to pay towards the cost of any claim. You may be asked to pay this amount to a company that has carried out repairs on behalf of your insurer, or alternatively the sum will be deducted from any settlement received.


Goldstar Claim Process

No matter what your worry is, we’re here to help explain the process, assess your claim fairly and minimize the disruption to you with a transparent claims process.


How to make a claim

We have a number of options to help you make a claim quickly and effectively. Contact our dedicated claims team for advice on an incident/claim.

Why choose us ?

Goldstar Insurance is one of the leading non-life Insurance Companies in Uganda, with over 27 years of experience. We have over
the years consistently maintained a Global A+ Credit Rating showing you can count on us as a strong financial partner.